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Our Principles
Artemis Interior Services Ltd is committed to the principle of promoting equal opportunities and diversity.We believe that any modern organisation has to reflect all the communities and people it serves, in both employment and delivery of our services. We will challenge discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, gender, marital or civil partner status, ethnic or national origin, disability, religion or belief, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, nationality, pregnancy, trade union membership, part time or fixed term status, or ex-offender status.
We are committed to the principle of promoting equal opportunities in its employment practices and in all its other activities and will implement policies to promote this principle and provide a work environment free from harassment in any form.
Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment and selection procedures will be free from bias or discrimination and will be conducted objectively. Decisions regarding an applicant's suitability for a position will be based upon specific and reasonable job-related criteria. Job advertisements and publications used will be non-discriminatory.
We accept our responsibilities set out in the following legislative references taking into account any amendments by later legislation.
The cookies used on Artemis Interiors’ website are:
- The Disabled Persons (Employment) Acts;
- The Equal Pay Act;
- The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act;
- The Sex Discrimination Act;
- The Employment Rights Act;
- The Protection from Harassment Act;
- The Human Rights Act;
- Sex Discrimination (Gender Reassignment) Regulations;
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Act;
- The Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) & (Religion or Belief) Regulations;
- Employment Equality (Sex Discrimination) Regulations;
- Equality Act ;
- The Employment Rights Act;
- Employment Equality (Age) Regulations ;
- European Regulations and Directives;
- Relevant Codes of Practice for Gender, Race and Disability.
Artemis Interior Services Ltd will communicate this policy to all its contractors and potential contractors and make it available to all employees.
The Director will ultimately be responsible for implementing this policy and ensure that staff at all levels are totally committed, fully involved and knowledgeable about their responsibilities in this area. The Director will also deal with any queries relating to it.
All those with management and supervisory duties have a responsibility to adhere to the policy and ensure that all individuals under their supervision do so and that fellow employees and any third parties with whom employees deal on behalf of the organisation are treated with dignity and respect.
Managers and supervisors also have the responsibility to ensure protection and support for an employee who may be considering or has brought a complaint informally or formally or who has given evidence at any disciplinary hearing brought as a result of any breach of this policy.
The purpose of the Artemis Interior Services Ltd.’s Equal Opportunities Policy is to ensure equal opportunities to all of Artemis Interior Services Ltd.’s employees are applied. We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.
All employees, whether part-time, full time or temporary, will be treated fairly and equally. Selection for employment, promotion, training or any other benefit will be on the basis of aptitude, ability and occasionally, in the case of training, affordability. All employees will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential and the talents and resources of the workforce will be fully utilised to maximise the efficiency of the organisation.
Every employee is entitled to a working environment which promotes dignity and respect to all. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated.
The commitment to equal opportunities in the workplace and to ensuring equal access to all staff and service users is good practice and makes sound business sense. Physical access for all users is reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that the premises are accessible and welcoming to all. Reviews consider public transport access, car parking, including special provision for people with disabilities, security (e.g. lighting), internal design features, and with particular reference to people with disabilities, times of service delivery, promotional material, and language or cultural barriers faced by anyone from an ethnic minority in Artemis Interior Services Ltd.’s area of operation.
Spent convictions – No account will be taken of “spent convictions” when consideration is being given to selection, training, development or promotion, subject to certain exceptions such as persistent offenders or serious offences which cause the individual to be unacceptable to his/her fellow workers.
Employees have personal responsibility for ensuring that they do not breach this policy in any way.Breaches of our equal opportunity policy will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to disciplinary proceedings. The commitment of all employees is necessary in making this policy successful.
All clients will be treated fairly and equally, according to their needs.
- Internal quality audits on – Handling complaints and problems.
- To ensure preventive measures are in place to safeguard against any discrimination.
- Annual Management review meeting to analyse data and actions taken during the year to establish whether Artemis Interior Services Ltd is acting in a discriminatory manner and actions taken to remedy any discrimination agreed.
Artemis encourages its clients to adopt good practice with regard to their businesses and organisations and assists in providing advice and guidance on the application of equal opportunities practice in both employment and service provision.